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Nowadays, many people have switched to using PDF files for documents because it is the easiest way to share them. However, these are not very accessible which is why they can be difficult to read. Here are some tips on how you can create your own basic text PDF file. First, you will need a word processor with "Print To File" or "Save As" functions in order to make a basic text PDF file. Once you do this, all you need to do is open the document in Adobe Reader and save it as a .pdf file with any name that you want. There are two ways to do this. The first is to click on the file menu and go to save as. Check the box that says "Use Output Preview". Once you do that, you will see a window appear that looks like the one below: Now, just choose what type of text you want and then enter your password. If your PDF reader does not accept password protection, then there really is no point in choosing this option since anyone can open your PDF file. In fact, if you choose this option, all anyone has to do is right click on the file and save it as a .doc or .txt file. This is not the best way to create a basic text PDF file. The second way is to do the same thing but do not check the box that says "Use Output Preview" and instead choose the following: This way, you can pick and choose which pages you want to send and which pages you want to hide. This is a good option for people who want to create basic text PDF files because it gives them more control over what they share. Sources: com/tips/735-how-to-create-basic-text-pdf Pdf files are mainly used to store documents or data in different countries. However, these files are not always easy to read due to the small fonts and poor text formatting skills of many persons so it is important that you take care when creating your own Pdf file. Below we have outlined the different things you will need to do before creating a pdf file. 1. Develope a good understanding of how to use Inkscape. Inkscape is an open source 2D vector graphics illustration software that should be used for this tutorial. 2. Create a text template from Adobe Reader using Inkscape. The template will be used to create the main body of the Pdf file and keep track of text and text formatting throughout it . 3. Manually add text formatting in Inkscape while saving your document as a basic basic Pdffile, i.e.: maintaining it in one single layer while manually adding fonts, font sizes etc.. cfa1e77820